Nate Weaver


This website is a place to share my updates and projects, making it easy to track my progress as I continue.

I am an undergrad student at The University of Colorado Boulder in the College of Engineering and Applied Science, studying Computer Science. In my time at University I was a software developer at Ingmar Medical, and am recently a software engineer at Keboola, working on the application of AI to existing workflows.

I am driven by a love for data and a fascination with the math behind it. I am especially interested in the intersect between data and the usefulness of linear algebra. Apart from that, I am also heavily interested in problem solving with algorithms, logic, topics in group theory, and philosophy. Outside of university, I am an avid coffee enjoyer, rock climber, and cyclist!


  • Aug, 2023: I started as a an Intern at Keboola!
  • Dec, 2023: Finished my semester at CU on The Deans List!
  • Apr, 2024: I havent had a ton of time to work on projects, but I have been really immersing myself into work at Keboola and in classes!
  • Jun, 2024: Recently captivated by search engines and current issues seen within them. Also a recent interest in learning Go! What a cool language! Feels somewhat pythonic but more versatile for web dev!

  • Projects

    K-Means Project

    This project was a final project for my Advnced Data Science class at CU Boulder. This project was worked on with my friend Kevin, and was a great learning experience overall. In this project we iplemented K-means clustering on the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets and then changed parameters trying to find the best way to intialize centroids, iterate and update centroids. This project was interesting because it was a bit difficult to determine what was actually happening. To really understand the processes, it was important to understand not only the numerical data, but what K-means was doing which incorporates an unusual abstract complexity. Overall, I'm really happy with how this project turned out, I learned a lot and had a lot of fun working on it!

    Collaborative Web Chrome Extension

    My Collaborative Web Chrome extension was kind of a project that came out of no where. I was feeling kind of bored with work, and wanted something new! This project was a lot of fun to work on, as it was great to revisit some of the basics of web dev and learn more about Go! Excited to use this new knowledge in future projects!


    Zoup is a python library inspired by the language Sage's group capabilities, utilizing groups as a main data type. This is still a work in progress, but down the line I would like to add a lot more capabilities so that it is comparable with Sage, and hopefully eventually get to graphic generation, similar to JuliaPoo's Cayley Graphs and pretty things. I would also like to start getting it running like a full-scale operation with more utilization of github actions, version tracking and eventually pip installable. Group Theory is still a new topic for me and I am loving learning as I go!

    DL Analysis for NBA Money Line

    This project was recently started with my friend Sam and is a work in progress. The main goal of this project is to familiarize myself with the process of data collection, cleaning, and analysis, as well as the adaptation of Neural Networks to real world and more complex applications. I think timeline as of right now is to get the data collection and cleaning done, and then start to work on the model having it prepared for next season, using next season as validation, and then betting the season after if we are satisfied with the results. I do think that as we go we will learn to, and want to automate the features including data collection and training, turning the project into a full scale CI/CD pipeline. It would be cool to have this as a widget or something, where it can optimize bets at the click of a button lol.

    Mushroom Experiment Notebook

    Since learning about Linear Algebra, I've been fascinated by embeddings and dimension reduction as a means to understand the data we are handling. Jordan sent me the TensorFlow Word Embedding a while back and it has been such a source for inspiration. As I get more interested in data science, I think understanding what PCA and t-SNE are beyond just what they mean is a huge breakthrough for me! Overall this is jus a fun little notebook I was playing around in, and learned a lot with. Stoked to have done it and learned from it!

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